About Us

The Examiner: Trevor Torr

Trevor Torr

Brief History

Trevor Torr has served the bulk of 20 years in the field of Operations and Logistics for International companies applying his trade, in Manufacturing, IT, FMCG as well as the Transport Industry in Southern Africa.  Some of the Companies that Trevor has represented over the years are, Westcon (Datatec), Soda-Club International, Nam Post and F P du Toit Transport.

Trevor successfully completed his training as a Professional Polygraph Examiner (Forensic Psycho Physiologist) at the highly acclaimed ASIT - Academy of Scientific Investigative Training, which is based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 2011.  He was lectured by two world renowned primary instructors, Mr Nathan J. Gordon and Mr William L. Fleisher.  Mr Nathan Gordon is an expert Forensic Psycho Physiologist and an internationally recognized expert in the field of Forensic Assessment Interviewing and Interrogation.   Mr William Fleisher who is a full member of the American Polygraph Association and Internationally known for his polygraph expertise, and served with the Federal and Local Law (Enforcement) as well as being an FBI agent for more than 40 years.

Trevor has also received specialized training in the FAINT- Forensic Assessment Interview Technique, SCAN-Scientific Content Analysis, MITT- Morgan Interview Theme Technique, IIT-Integrated Interrogation Technique, as well as PCSOT-Post-Convicted Sex Offender Training.

Trevor is internationally trained and accredited by APA-The American Polygraph Association, AAPP-American Association of Police Polygraphists, as well as SAPFED-Southern African Polygraph Federation. Trevor is an accredited member of the APA-The American Polygraph Association, and SAPFED-Southern African Polygraph Federation.

Polygraph Equipment

APA website (http://www.polygraph.org/)

SAPFED website (http://www.sapfed.org/)